The Gambling Commission’s consultation on proposed changes to the Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice
On 28 February 2023, the Gambling Commission launched a consultation proposing three changes to the LCCP (the “Consultation”), in relation to: (1) the scope of the requirement for gambling operators to participate in GAMSTOP; (2) events explicitly listed by the Gambling Commission as “reportable” in the LCCP; and (3) the technical wording of an LCCP provision in relation to payment method services.
The Consultation is open to all stakeholders, including gambling operators, to share their views on the proposals. The Consultation opened on 28 February 2023 and will last 12 weeks, closing on 23 May 2023. We outline below the three topics on which the Consultation focuses, and the practical considerations for licensees who wish to submit responses as part of the Consultation.
Proposed changes to the LCCP
1. Extending the multi-operator self-exclusion scheme to additional categories of betting licensee
Since 31 March 2020, the Gambling Commission has required all remote gambling operators to participate in GAMSTOP, which is an online multi-operator self-exclusion scheme.
The Commission is “consulting on changes to social responsibility code provision 3.5.5 to “extend the requirement to participate in the GAMSTOP scheme to all licensees that make and accept bets by telephone and email.”
2. Reporting deaths by suicide to the Gambling Commission
Licence condition 15.2.2 outlines a range of events which licensees must report to the Gambling Commission via their eServices account.
The Gambling Commission is “consulting on adding a requirement to Licence Condition 15.2.2 that would require all licensees to inform when they become aware that a person who has gambled with them has died by suicide.”
3. Payment services – technical update
Licence condition 5.1.2 prescribes the method by which certain operating licence holders accept payment from customers using their gambling facilities in Great Britain.
The Gambling Commission proposes to amend the text of licence condition 5.1.2 to “ensure that the condition reflects the current legislative provisions”. In particular, the Gambling Commission wishes to ensure that it mirrors any “future legislative amendments to the Payment Services Regulations”.
Responding to the Consultation
There are practical steps and considerations which licensees should consider should they wish to respond to the Consultation. Whilst it is not intended to be exhaustive, a list of key factors is provided below:
- The Gambling Commission will consider all responses submitted, whether or not all the questions in a given survey have been answered.
- Licensees can respond to the Consultation using the online survey. Alternatively, responses can be submitted by post to: Policy Team, Gambling Commission, 4th Floor, Victoria Square House, Birmingham, B2 4BP.
- When responding to the Consultation, the Gambling Commission will request your consent to publish your name (if responding in a personal capacity), or the name of your company (if responding on behalf of your organisation) on their website. The publication of such details would indicate that you responded to the Consultation exercises.
We encourage licensees to respond to the Consultation, which closes on 23 May 2023, to express their views on the proposed changes.
Please get in touch with us if you would like assistance on any licensing matters.